Here in Ohio, we have ticks on the move already. About a month or so early for us. My son found a tick on one of our cats last night, so all 3 got treated for flea and ticks. Now they are all "Ticked " off! They don't like getting it. Now they will be trying to lick the back of their necks for the next month, when it's time for another treatment!
I am getting so nervous about ticks. I have only ever found one since we lived here, but have just read another scary article about ticks
The ones we have here are the common deer ticks. The reason they are out so early is that we have had such wet spring. It seems like when the weather is wet, they are more prolific.
Just reading those has made me nervous about venturing into my garden. I had a black bug on me in the garden the other day and convinced myself it was tick. My garden has been neglected recently and is overgrowing, I've read a few articles and scared myself! I don't have pets, old animals, or live near a woods; just a normal garden in the UK; should I be worried or just pull my socks up and get out there? Please help.
I wouldn't worry too much KGW. I live in Scotland and have gardened here for nearly 45 years without a single tick bite. Now if you were in the highlands where there are lots of red deer and heather then I'd say be very careful. Enjoy your garden and rest assured the only bites you're likely to get are midge bites!!
Ticks live on blood, so if you have no animals around you and even if your neighbors have dogs or cats and they don't have problems then I wouldn't worry about having them in your yard. Do an internet search for photos of ticks, that way you can garden in peace. Not all ticks carry a disease so unless it has been found in your area I wouldn't worry about it.