Most know the old saying by Benjamin Franklin "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise". Do you find truth in this? What is you sleep pattern, erratic or fixed? I'm definitely in the erratic category but strive to be in the Ben Franklin category.
lol,, i'm so confused up here, i don't know if its day or night. Sometimes i get to bed early, 11:00pm, then the next night it might be 3:00am, i have no concept of time up here in the winter an summer. Only time i seem to be able to rise early an to sleep at a decent time is spring an fall,, we have normal sun patterns then.
Well since I have a 9 yr old, she's in bed by 8:30. That way I can usually sit and relax, then crawl in bed about 10:00 watch the news and off to sleep. Then I'll be the first up at 6:30 in the morning. I love the weekends, We all get to sleep in and take it easy.
I seem to sleep differently according to the seasons. It seems that once it's dark outside, my body thinks it's time for bed! LOL I think I would have a very hard time if I lived where Biita lives. I'd be awake most of the summer and asleep most of the winter! I need at least 8-9 hours of sleep to function normally. I love to get up early...I'm definitely a morning person.
I wish that I were in a better pattern. I try to retire about 10:30, just after the evening news, and arise about 7:30 in the morning. However, I often get involved in a movie or sports event, that runs late. When a local team is playing on the west coast, starting times are 2 hours later than here. I have been known to be up until 1:30 or 2:00 AM. When Deputy was younger, I was able to sleep through the night, but know he gets me up at any time during the night that he feels the urge, and thats 3 or 4 times most nights, then when you add my own night time needs, some nights it feels like I don't get much sleep at all. That makes 7:30 come very early, and I'll sleep in some to make up the losses. I've been blessed with the ability to drop off to sleep just about any time that I try to, light or dark, even in noisy places. So I can catch a quick nap during the day to make up for some of the lost sleep at night. As far as the wealthy and wise parts go, to bad it isn't that easy. Tom
I'm normally an early bird, and I get tired around 22.00. Usually I stretch myself for another hour, but I try to get up before 07.00 anyway. I've found that my body demands more sleep during winter, so I adjust to that.
Now that I no longer have a school age child to get up with, my body has settled into an 8:00 wake up time. Bedtime is also later,on week nights we watch the 10:00 news/weather then a rerun of The Twilight Zone, then South Park..that's one of my naughty pleasures. On the weekends, our local PBS station shows several British Sitcoms and some of those I just have to stay up for.
I always thought it was: "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and a real party pooper."
Good one Roy!!! I'm a bit of a night owl and rarely go to bed before 2am. I tend to be up before 8.30am so never really get a full eight hours sleep, except at week-ends, sometimes. Ian goes to bed at around 10pm as he's up at 5am to go to work. He only sees daylight at the week-ends during the winter months.