Earth Day and May Day Plans? Plant Swaps and Exchanges!

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by Jewell, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    :stew1: Time to move plants and divide here in the Pacific Northwest. :stew1: One of the absolutely fantastic things I have discovered are plant swaps. Last year I was able to attend two last year as some of you know. I am still in love with them and they are popping up all over.

    Maybe you would like to start your own? A coworker and friend has organized our yearly get-together to include a plant/seed exchange with potluck. After the Christmas cookie exchange she felt a plant exchange might be healthier. (lol) Maybe you would like to do something similar with friends, coworkers, or family? Even when I can't attend one it is fun to dream about.;)

    One of the larger plant swaps in the region is the Green Elephant Plant Swap. I've never been to that one, but it is fun to contemplate about even if I don't want to make the drive. The general guidelines for plant swap etiquette are also on the site as well as a short video of the last and biggest one they have had. Here's the youtube video they posted.

    Another public plant swap posted on the region part of another site is:
    "The Olympia Spring Trade is set for April 24, 2010 at the Sunwood Lakes Community Clubhouse. There will be kitchen and bathroom facilities available. The trade starts at 10:00 AM."
    It is closer to home and I attended it last summer. If you are close enought to make the drive feel free to join.

    Gardeners are such friendly people that the plant exchanges have been really fun and informative. I have plants in my garden that I would never have tried or purchased, but throughly enjoy. Now I don't know how I missed them.

    Plant swaps are also a wonderful way to keep from having to compost perfectly good plants that need dividing or have outgrown their space. I don't feel guilty passing on a plant I no longer like, when others are thrilled to get it.

    Plant and Seed swaps/exchanges are a gardeners Christmas, only we bring our own trees (and plants, bulbs, bulbils, rhizomes, runners, seeds etc.)and go home with someone elses plants.

    Earth Day is not that far away...what are your plans? :?:
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    They do sound like fun, but I don't know any gardeners around here :rolleyes:

    May Day, I was going to get some May Wine made but didn't start it soon enough and will have to make do with the 'instant' version.

    Earth Day, I will probably be doing the same thing I do most spring days....dig in the dirt and plant seeds. Best was I can think of to celebrate.
  4. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Digging in the dirt Toni sounds like a perfect way to spend May Day and Earth Day. Too bad Texas is so big. With all the Stewies in the state you all would make a great plant swap. My folks lived inbetween Gustine and Comache and it was a long ways to any where. :-?

    Most of the people coming to the work get-together are not gardeners, but most have a pot they fill for summer so will be splitting six-packs of flowers or whatever.

    I really want to know about your "May wine" Toni and the "instant" version. ;)

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