Hard to believe that it is almost September. Where did the summer go? Here's a shot of part of the back garden. I think it filled in quite nicely, even though the weather has been so odd. The Phlox is blooming. This one earned me a 1st place ribbon at the fair last year Phlox "David" \ I'm really loving my Zinnia's this year My Brugmansia still blooming...heavenly! Helenium ~ a sure sign of Fall Gotta love the Texas Red Salvia!
Oh Netty, doesn't your garden look beautiful and lovely closeup photos. I have just planted a red salvia, hope it does as well as yours.
Netty, I love you garden. It is so beautiful. The close up shots are breath taking. Since I can't have a garden, I really enjoy looking at others. Thanks for sharing.
Well, Yeah, I would say your garden filled in Very nicely. It is all gorgeous. I envy your long blooming season. Once summer weather hits down here everything either dies or goes dormant until about October.
Most of my plants are dying back now that autumn is almost upon us so it's lovely to see so much colour in yours. :-D Your garden is a real credit to you Netty.
All of your beds are blue ribbon perfect! I'd love to sit on your deck and look out over those gardens.
You know Netty, you have a lovely garden/yard. Those flowers that you have planted are so nice to look at and they make such a nice impression. The zinnias have such gloriously brilliant colours. ...and the phlox wins a prize again this year in my book.
I have to say that I think zinnias are one of my favorite annual flowers. I think I will have to go out and collect some seeds for next spring. You have very lovely flowers but I do like the zinnias. dooley
Lovely, Netty. You must have the perfect `climate for those Phlox. They do grow in our hot, humid climate, but the sun tends to burn them in my border. I am still experimenting with what I can grow here on the coast, but seeing your garden makes me wish for some shady gardening. Your garden is my favorite kind.
Your border looks delicious, and the close ups are too. You've got nice colour this late in the season. Thank you for sharing it.
Oh Netty. Your garden is such a pretty environment. I'd love to plunk down a chair or a pillow and just enjoy it all. It's hard to believe the Summer is coming to a close, isn't it? But what a finale in your garden!