Endless Summer Hydrangea

Discussion in 'Hydrangea' started by zgillenwater, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. zgillenwater

    zgillenwater New Seed

    Oct 12, 2006
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    I have an Endless Summer hydrangea that I planted in the fall of 2005, so last summer was its first year blooming. It was gorgeous, lots of pink blooms. I cut almost all the blooms off of it to put in vases because I thought Endless Summer was supposed to bloom again later in the summer. Well, it never did. That first round of blooms turned out to be the only round of blooms.

    This summer, it has been blooming beautifully again. I've cut a few blooms off, but I'm hesitant about doing many because I don't want it to look bare the rest of the summer. Was I wrong that Endless Summer is supposed to bloom repeatedly? If I wasn't wrong, is there anything I should do differently about cutting the blooms this year to encourage more to show up later this summer?

    Thanks in advance for your advice! I feel bad never answering others questions, just watching threads and starting my own, but I'm a beginner gardener without much insight to offer others!

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  3. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    I just recently bought one of these plants, haven't even picked a spot for it yet. :oops:
    So I did a little research, and I have to say that I found some mixed reviews.
    You are not the only person to say that re-blooming seemed "iffy".
    In fact, quite a few folks said they were getting NO blooms at all. :-?

    Anywho, I found this online Zoe, (there's more here):
    Reading this makes me think that it would be okay to cut the flowers,
    but maybe not take too much stem at the same time, as that's where new buds would set.
    Or, perhaps the reason that yours didn't repeat it's bloom cycle last year
    was just because it was newly planted. :shrug:
  4. teddybear

    teddybear In Flower

    Mar 26, 2007
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    zone 6B, TX
    Thanks for the info zuzu. I planted 6 endless summers and have been wondering what to do with them. Almost all of them have bloomed some two or three times but, the plant it's self is still really small 6-8 inches. I'm hoping since this is their first year that next year they will take off. I was trying to decide if I need to cut off the blooms to help the plant grow. Maybe I should just leave it alone.
  5. zgillenwater

    zgillenwater New Seed

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Thanks zuzu's petals. Yes, what you posted jives with what I thought Endless Summer was supposed to do -- it just isn't doing it. But it could definitely be because it was its first year. I'll cross my fingers that more buds are coming soon. There is one new bud on there right now, but I'm more inclined to believe it's just a late-comer rather than a second round of buds.

    teddybear, my plant was about 8 inches when I planted it. Last summer, it got to be about 1.5 feet tall. This year, it's at least 2 or 2.5 feet tall. So I bet if you just leave yours alone they will be much bigger next year.

    Mine is in a pretty shady location, by the way. Don't know if that makes a difference with the blooming. Like I said, I get lots of pretty blooms, but just not repeatedly.

  6. Chitweed

    Chitweed In Flower

    May 21, 2007
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    Delaware, USA
    Endless Summer

    Don't give up on the Endless Summer.
    They need a bit more sun than other hydrangea, and lot more water because they are in more sun.
    I cut them all summer long, and they keep producing flowers. The flowers come on old and new wood. Here is what mine have been doing this year



    They are now so heavy with flower the blooms are arching to the ground! I have some more pictures of them here at www.chitweed.blogspot.com
  7. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!! :-D Gorgeous!
    That's why I bought one and that's just what I hope
    it will look like in a few years, Chit!!
  8. teddybear

    teddybear In Flower

    Mar 26, 2007
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    zone 6B, TX
    Thanks for the HOPE...yours look wonderful!
    Mine are in the shade most of the day but, I was told with the hot Texas sun that was a must or they would burn up.

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