I noticed a while ago that some of the branches on a few of my evergreens were looking kind of brown. I took a walk this morning and found a lot more. Here's a shot of one of the newer affected branches And the ones that looked like that before now look like this...naked! Not sure if it's coincidence, but there are fairy rings around the worst ones We have a row of 14 of these trees and they are quite large. It would break my heart if we lost them. Anyone know what the culprit might be?
Wow, I have no idea what the culprit is, but I would get an arborist out there proto to take a look at them. 0.0
Netty are the dying parts of your trees near the bottom or are they at the top of your trees? I think Prim has the right idea of getting an expert to have a look and see what they think. Some of my firs have had branches at the bottom turn the way yours have but they remained quite healthy as the top was unaffected.
Most of the dead branches have live ones beneath them and above them. It looks completely random. Most of the dead branches are just about my eye level.
I've had a look aound various websites for you Netty and this is the best one I could find. It explains everything about browning much better than I can. http://www.gardenline.usask.ca/trees/browning.html
brown trees Don't know about he brown spots, but the bare branches are the natural age of the tree.. MY tres are doing that , but not the brown or rust that you show....... I am starting some from seeds. b
Thanks for the link Eileen. We had a very dry summer last year, but I think if it was drought damage it would show all over the tree not just randomly. **Oh and I forgot to mention that this seems to be mainly on the east side of the trees.