My youngest daughter gave me the house, bench and little solar light for my birthday.....sometimes it takes me a while to figure out where something should go. The little Elf I have had for years and I found that slab of slate while digging up Ivy in the back yard many years ago. Now they are together. The swirly bulb thing to the left is an upside down bud vase. New fellow in the garden. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
I think you've picked just the right spot for your fairie home Toni. It looks as though it belongs there.
I might have to copy I have wanted a little fairy garden for a long time but didn't know where to start :-o I'd like to start one in my hostas
chocolate, Do you think you are normal?? We probably all have fairies lurking around but only a few gardeners are blessed enough to catch a glimpse of them once in a while. Maybe your not normal but very LUCKY... *sneaks out to see if I can see one of those things lurking in my garden*