B, that is so pretty. The white ones really look real. I am going to buy a poinsetta today, although I use the 'faux' ones as well. And they take much less water!
Yours are gorgeous B - very realistic. I buy a new one every year, and leave it until quite close until the big day as they start loosing leaves the minute I get them home. I believe they are very cold sensitive so it pays to put wrap them up inside the store before heading out into the chill.
I inherited some from my grandma too :-D They were so old they were the big, plastic ones Kind of ugly but hard to get rid of, you know? We were in WalMart yesterday and my husband was trying to be sweet and pick one out for me. He was amazed at how realistic the white ones were I had to laugh at him
The group that I exercise with 3 days a week, has a gentleman who is quite the gardener. Last week he brought in a huge red poisettia that was a good 3 ft tall and 2 ft wide. He had grown it himself. He gave it to the hospital health center as a Christmas gift.
I have a poinsetta that Dooley and D.R. gave me for Christmas last year. It lost all the red leaves as new leave came back.I'm wondering when the leaves will turn red again.I do love my plant.
Glenda I was stating above. To make them get red again I made cuttings and put them in the soil in spring .. It worked Turned red