hi.. its near that time of the year and time to start cleaing up the yard... need advice on climbing rose bushes and weigilias, alos hydrangea... what do i need to do with them for the winter as far as pruning?? thank you sunflower....
I am so glad you posted this I also have a climbing rose in a pot and do not know how to prune it, I got it as a gift for our wedding anniversary and oh boy its grown so much, it isnt in a permanent place yet.
Weigelia should be pruned only for shape and that should be done immediately after the blooms have passed, in about July. But pruning shouldn't begin on them until they are two years old. If they suffer winter damage then the damaged tips can be pruned in the spring. For old neglected bushes, you can prune 1/3rd of the stems to the ground each year until they recover. Hydrangeas...you need to know which kind you have before pruning. Some form their buds for next summers blooms in August thru October so fall pruning will mean no blooms next year. If you have to prune one because it has gotten too large, then that is done in June/July before next years buds are formed. But there are some mophead hydrangeas that will regenerate the buds after the first ones have been destroyed by fall pruning or winter damage. Climbing roses are best with light pruning right after blooming, pruning off the shoots that bloomed each year so others can grow thru the season and produce blooms next year. The best blooms come on one-year old growth so if you prune in the fall, you will have no blooms in the spring.
Super post, Toni! I have all of the above plants in my garden and that is exactly how I handle them too.
On the Weigelia if you prune them anytime other than right after they bloom, you will not get good blooms the next season.