Yesterday we planted a small fall garden. 3 tomato plants, Mortgage Lifter, 5 bush cumcumber, and 4 Baby Boo pumpkins, a white ornamental pumpkin. We had the seeds and DH decided to try them. I wish he had found some pie pumpkin seeds. We will probably add some broccoli, cauliflower and mustard greens. I had a space behind the fence for the pumpkins and I planted 3 cassia alata trees and I have some annual seeds started to fill in there. I had a large lawn bag full of wood chips and one full of sawdust, nicely composted and I put that behind the fence, tired of cutting back there, I hope everything does good.
Sounds like a good start.I have 3 tomatos planted ,2 heat resistant and 1 cherry tomato.I have little pear tomatoes growing now and my Early Girls are still making. I do hope yors does well .I have little black eyed peas making now but they are solid with little dark brown are black bugs looks like plant lice . Nothing has got rid of them can you tell me what to use on them.
Have you tried sevin dust(10%). Works good on just about all insects on veggies and flowers and won't harm the plants. I use it on everything that gets a "bug" and it's pet friendly too.
Yes ,So many times you wouldn't believe.The plants are dead now from insects and no rain except for my blackeyed peas .The bugs are still there.I just can't kill those buggers.
Amazing that you are planting tomatos out now when we in the UK are begining to think about clearing our tender plants away for the winter! My toms are under a protective roof so do stay out longer than other peoples on our allotment, but the first nippy day, and they all frazzle up. Same with squashes. In my autumn plot I am growing Kale, onions, spinach, chinese greens, radish, mooli, chard, carrots and peas.
EJ most of Texas really gets frost in late Oct or Nov and sometimes Dec.Our colder days are Jan. Feb.March .West Texas and North Texas It can still frost in April but just cover things and they make it. What is Mooli?I don't think I've ever heard of it.
A mooli is a white long rooted radish. It is more peppery than regular radish and it is used more in cooking - grated into stir fries. They are great over wintering veggies used a lot in asian cooking.
Update on Cajun Belles's post we picked some cucumbers todaay the tomatoes have flowers but two of my Baby Boo's have the wilt. FYI Mortgage Lifter tomatoes are a heirloom seed that loves hot weather will let you know of yield later but bushes look good
Just finished planting my cauliflower, brussel sprouts and brocolli seeds. hope they germinate since the brocolli and cauliflower are two veggies my girls will eat.