While I was deadheading flowers today, the Sound of Music song "My Favorite Things" kept running through my mind. I was thinking of some of my favorite things, for example: *the feel of Feliz' fur under my hand *finding a ripe tomato *watching cloud shadows run across the pasture *the gurgling sound contented hens make *laying in bed at night and listening to the night sounds of birds, coyotes, and wind What are some of your favorite things?
A few of my favorite things? -the sound of childrens laughter -the smell of Lilac, Lily of the Valley and Peony blooms -the smell and feeling I get when I climb into a bed with fresh sheets -strawberries and melon -the sound of birds singing early in the morning I'm sure there is more
Just a few here, too. Watching kids play. Watching kids listen to stories at the library. Listening to the birds and watching them in the early morning. Watching Chance inspect the yard every morning for intruders. Checking in on Gardenstew every day. Working out in the yard and garden and seeing things grow and change. Enough for now. dooley