Apart from gardenstew.com what is your favorite websites? I'm going to go for anything to do with soccer, GAA (Gaelic Football-Sport of Kings)and anything to do with sport.
I find myself hanging out at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/ a lot so that would be my current favourite. There's also a certain pet battling website I like too (plug, plug).
Hi My favorite website - Astronomy Picture Of The Day - http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html I can look at these pictures for a long time! Mars landscape looks especially challenging for gardening (LOL) Love Lara
I spend quite a lot of time at my LOTR fansite, writing and archiving writings there - http://lotrscrapbook.com -- http://lotrfellowship.com and keeping up with LiveJournal friends when I can. Then there's ebay...my downfall, wandering the virtual fleamarket of ebay... I enjoy various writing and literature sites (Blakeney Manor, fanfic, puns and poetry sites) as well as humor (Homestar Runner, for instance). Far too many to list!
I don't have much time to internet surf, and I'm on superslow dialup, so I just check emails, come here, go see whats up with the company I'm TRYING to be successful rep for, and my artist's site. O, and Amazon. Do alot of my shopping there.
I've been working on my family tree, so ancestry.com, rootsweb, and local research sites are my current favorites.
I belong to a music forum and a stained glass forum. They are not fun and "folksy" like Here but they are interesting and I learn something sometimes. I love e-bay. You can find the most exotic and strange things. I bought a taxidermy "Pighead" that I am doing in glass like a carousel animal. Of course it's taking forever. Last but not Least-Petfighters. Though I never get quite used to My Beloved Pet with a big red "Loser" under his picture :'(