Only wearing jeans and going fishing in the crick everyday. Being as brown as a nut, that was before the sun became bad for you.
I remember spending the whole summer at the cottage. My wardrobe consisted of a bathing suit, t-shirt and shorts. I loved spending time swimming, tanning, boating and helping my mom harvest beans, cucumbers and all the other goodies in the garden. Oh what a life!
Oh yeah. Cottages hold some favorite memories for me too, Netty. Vacations at the Great Lakes were some good times. Gardengater
I'd love for you to elaborate on that one, Sjoerd. It seems that gardening does come in the genes. Gardengater
Sleeping out on the lawn with all of my cousins and grandparents watching the shower of falling stars :-D
Exploring every nook and cranny of the farm, falling into nettles, collecting pine cones, the metallic blue of our old Ford Escort hot from the summer sun. The best of times *sniff*
Playing kick the can and catching lightning bugs..exploring all day long with a best friend in the woods or meadows..feeling safe and Mom not worrying about us like parents do today...
What great memories! It jogs my memory again; helping to bale hay, watching newborn piglets and playing with the yellow chicks. Wow there was a lot to do. GG
Going to the beach, catching fireflies in a jar, playing outside until after dark, eating cherry tomatoes out of the neighbors garden (with his permission of course), playing barbies in the back yard...I think I could go on forever.