I have 2 birdbaths in my yard. One is very shallow and a design throughout for a good footing so there is no fear that the birds will slip. I have another birdbath near my kitchen window that is only used by my little lizards. Today I noticed that the smaller birds started using the bird bath (photo below). One slipped but did not fall in. Any suggestions on what I can do to make it safer for the birds? The other bird bath is becoming a hotspot for cardinals and mourning doves, so I think the smaller birds are moving to the other birdbath.
Daph if you put a rough stone in which comes above the water level it should give the birds something to perch on when they drink. Maybe someone else will come up with a better solution for you though.
It's pretty deep. It fills up pretty fast when it rains. I clean it with a scrub brush every couple of days because it gets icky very fast. Then I fill it about 2 inches. I thought about small stones or sand but that would be a mess to clean. I like the idea on 1 or 2 larger stones. I'm going to pick up one or two stones tomorrow after work. Thank you for responding so fast.