With a foot of newly fallen snow and the temperatures a feather chilling 4°F (windchill -14°F) the flying songsters could use a boost with an open air restaurant. Buried by the new snow, I "unearthed/unsnowed" a popular winter station and supplied it with a variety of seeds. Sometimes populated with over a dozen birds the "feeder" will next get dried cranberries and pieces of nuts. These birds are not waiting for the next course they are taking the fast food course. Fast Food Restaurant ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden ) Side note: While looking out the window, a rabbit emerged from under the deck and returned. The absence of bunny tracks in the surrounding snow leads me to believe that the rabbit has revealed its winter quarters. A mental note for myself to reference as the plants in the nearby flowerbed emerge this spring. Jerry
I'm so glad the birds appreciate their open air restaurant Jerry - they need all the help they can get during winter. Let's hope the rabbit decides to move on to pastures new come spring.
Heh this made me go get the bird feeder and wash it out, as its been sitting for a few months with seed still in it. Once its dry, Ill put new seed in and hang it out. Hopefully Ill get birds! Theyve been totally ignoring the suet I hung :/