I was beginning to think I had imagined planting a small start of a red Christmas cactus with the white start. For the last two years the white Christmas cactus has bloomed regularly and gotten nicely sized in its pot. Schlumbergera bridgesii ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) This week I noticed that many of the blooms were pink. Sure enough finally we have the red start also blooming. Schlumbergera bridgesii ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Schlumbergera bridgesii ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Of course I had to do some significant pruning for the white plant (will soon have three nice little plants to give away).
Very beautiful flowers! I'll bet all of the different colors you have going on now are really lighting up the room
Good morning, those are certainly lovely colours...they have been worth the wait...I cant imagine growing them inside,They grow happily outside here in frost free areas.Well done!
How are you going to start new plants from your clippings?? I need to cut back my white one also and can't bear to throw all those pieces in the trash. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I'm curious to hear the answer to Stratsmom's question... one of my aunts has a huge lovely plant that just begging for me to have a start of it!
Thanks all for the nice compliments. I am happy to finally have the mixed colors in one pot. Now to train them to overlap properly. This is the perfect time of year to take cuttings (one to three segment pieces from the tips). They tend to root pretty quickly. The end should be dry, usually only takes a few minutes. I dip the bottom segment into rooting hormone and pop them into pots. (I have been using the same small container of rooting hormone for a lot of years) I always use a light quality potting soil then cover with plastic wrap. I water after I have placed all the plant segments. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Keep the soil moist, not wet in their little terrarium. Vent them once a week and watch for rot or ??? Remove immediately any that look like they might be rotting. Keep them warm and close to indirect light. I make sure that their placement isn't too warm though because you want them to stay plump until they root. Good luck.
Thanks for the instructions Jewell. Next time I visit my Aunt, I'm going to ask for a cutting or two.
Carolyn, Cheryl and Stratsmom I am glad you are going to give it a try. Netty I love the pink ones. The white seems to be really vigorous. I am trying to keep my plants smaller and putting different colors into the same pot is my solution. The white has been blooming since Christmas. I think I have finally found the perfect location..west window and am watering it enough.