It was a horribly long winter and then spring just took it's sweet time getting here. But summer is here and the gardens are much happier now. The Weigela had a rough winter, and 2 out of 3 bushes were lost this year. The one in the back garden is doing well, I think it's a 'Minuet'. The Gas Plant looked fabulous this spring! Here's an Iris, cultivar is unknown, but shes a keeper I thought I had lost all the Lupins in the garden, but this must be a volunteer from years past. What a nice surprise! A couple of Lily's Baptisia 'Dutch Chocolate' I had been looking for a red Phlox for my Hummingbirds for years and finally found one this spring. It looks a little more like pink to me, but I like it. The Hummingbirds love the bee balm It was a great Asparagus year too! This was one harvest Trying something new in the veggie garden this year ... ground cherries! I can't wait to try one! So busy I almost missed the Wisteria 'Aunt Dee' in bloom! Here's a little corner of one garden, that has some hostas. This picture show's the giant 'Sagae' and tiny 'Blue Mouse Ears' Here's a little corner of chaos in my garden! And a look back. It's time for me to get back to work and weed!
Netty, your green thumb is showing! Your gardens are beautiful, full, and colorful.Thank you for sharing your corner of the world with us.
Netty, this a super nice pictorial account of what you have going on there. Such good veg and flpwering plant display. You are a champ.