"I was out in the gardens between rain storms yesterday. I have lots and lots of well rooted Forsythia and Wisteria if anyone wants any. I also have way too many yellow Cannas. Cathy/catspower" *** PLEASE NOTE: This post was moved by Eileen for Cathy from her blog to the forums. This was done to enable more members to view the items that she has on offer.
I would love to have some yellow cannas too. Please let me know how to contact you. thanks, Seedfreak
Yellow Canna I would love some of your yellow canna. I just started collecting canna this yeaar. Please let me know!!! Thanks
I have yellow cannas everywhere! Just PM me with your address and I will send them out Monday. If you have daffodils, lilies, zinnia seeds, or rooted Dogwood, we can trade. If not, don't worry about it. Cathy
WISTERIA! :-D I would LOVE as much of the wisteria you want to send me, Id like some cannas also, I want to cover an fence my neigbors put in that is just horrible with the wisteria, so if you need money for postage or anything let me know I want a lot of it. I've never grown cannas before but they are beautiful flowers so I want to try them in my container garden, if not I will move them to my "wild" garden on the side of my house. I also have zinnia seeds, I have to check what colors I have left to trade as well as the postage for your trouble.
All those who want cannas and wisteria, just PM me with your mailing address. I will get them sent out next week.