that I need to have cateracts removed from both eyes. I go on the 19th for the first visit with the surgeon for an evaluation. Will let you know what happens.
Good luck Capt., should be a piece of cake. I have a while to go before I get to go thru that process, mine aren't anywhere near ready to remove yet.
They just found out that I have them in Oct. and now they are at the point where they need to be removed. I thought that they had gotten bad rather quickly, but the eye Dr. didn't seem to be all that surprised. I think that they have perfected it to the point where it is considered to be minor surgery anymore.
Having cataracts removed can literally change your life. I know when my late mother had hers done she was able to do so many things afterwards that were almost impossible before. Good luck on the 19th and I look forward to hearing how things work out for you.
Good luck on your surgery Capt.It will be great for you to see how good that new kitchen really looks.
Best of luck with the procedure Capt. I will spare a thought for you during this time until we hear from you again. Just think about all the lovely things you will be able to feast your eyes on afterwards.
It will probably not be until late March or early April before they do anything. I have to get the ok from my cardiologist and my family Dr. first. But I don't see any big problems. The biggest thing is having to go off of my blood thinner 4 days before each surgery.
I had both of mine done almost two years ago. The doctor ask if I wanted distance or close-up lens. I stupidly said distance. Now I can't see squat without reading glasses. Wish I could have a re-do! But the surgery itself went great.
My Grandad and nan have had theirs done and are so relieved they did, really changed things for them. As you say, considered quite a minor and run of the mill thing these days. Good luck!
Good luck Capt. My wife Mimi is going in on the 17th of this month for the first, and the second a month later. Tom husband has to be off of his thinners longer than 4 days...I think Dr. Roselaar says 10 days , I suppose it depends on the type of surgery too. Are they doing both eyes at once? I have never heard anyone say they had both done, just saying they had to go back and have the other one done yet..I would opt for not seeing for a while and having it done all at once if I have someone to help me out...unless they left me a jar of peanut butter and bread for something to eat....then I would be all set... Good Luck to you and you will be seeing things a lot better real soon it sounds like.. Sherry