Wannabe the picture is a perfect size, but only one of them shows up in the picture. She is adorable, how old is she?
I wouldn't worry about changing it. It really isn't too big. Are you doing some others? Call if you need more help. I'm not sure how much help I was though. Brooke sure is a cutie. We'll wait for one of Emile. Dooley
I take it that the guy on the TV isn't another of your grandkids then Wanna!!! Your little grandaughter is adorable and looks a lot like my daughter, Laura, did at about her age.
Brooke will be four in August and a little livewire. Fred is a blue tic beagle, the girls used to be afraid of him but now, after awhile, he runs from them. I had another picture, I will have to work at sending more than one pic at a time. Wannabe