We have a double Helix spinner that hangs from a shepherds crook outside the front window. The smaller one is inside the bigger one. When the wind blows, they spin in different directions. It is on a double crook. On the other hook is a small bird feeder. Wed. a Chickadee got into the small Helix while it was spinning and sat in there going round and round and round. After about 6 revolutions, he came out, but was flying kind of crookedly. It all happened so fast, even if I had, had my camera in my hands, I couldn't have gotten a picture of him.
I bet that chickadee went home and told everyone about the great new feature in your yard--a Midway ride! A photo isn't necessary, Cap'n--your description of the woozy chickadee is sufficient.
A dizzy chickadee whatever next!! I hope he's got some travel sickness pills handy if he takes a ride on your spinner again.
Capt, sounds pretty funny, glad you caught the action as it happened. I wonder if this is the first time the bird went for a ride or if it is a repeat customer.
I have seen them setting on the larger outside one, but the first time I had seen one on the inside when it was spinning!