I recently added a tiger lily to my garden and it is getting ready to bloom. All along the stem where each leaf comes out is a round black object that easily falls off when I poke at it. They vary in size. The plant looks healthy, but I'm just not sure what these are. I have never seen anything like it on my other lilies, although I have never had a tiger lily before.
Those are seeds ashcat. Each one will sprout a new plant. They will take several years before they are large enough to flower.
Not really seeds, they are actually called bulbils. Collect them when they begin to fall off and sow in deep pots in standard compost and leave them to gorw. They take between 3 and 5 years to reach flowering size depending on how much you feed them. These days I collect them from the plants and bin them. Just how many Tiger lilies can one garden contain?
I don't think you can have too many tiger lilies :-D If you think you have too many you can give them to friends Does anyone know...do other lilies have these little bulbils also? Is it just a Turk's cap thing?