Sorry that title should have read April Fool Happy April Fool's Day everyone! Turn on those practical joke radars.
In 1996, I had Juno free email that didn't require having an internet connection and I was a member of a quilting list called QuiltBee. On March 31st that year the list owner sent out a message about the internet being shut down for 24 hours so 5 powerful internet-crawling robots situated around the world could clean out the internet of all data it found. I had no idea what they were talking about but knew it didn't involve me since I didn't have internet connection. I finally found a copy of that joke at Snopes
The first thing I thought about was OH, NO....after I told so many people the name of the place...LOL
My first thought was "It must be the first of April!" ;-) Haha! GardenSoup? GardenBorscht? GardenVichyssoise? I made all of the forum names backwards on my site and had people afraid something was wrong with their computers. :-D This was a good one too - I may steal it for next year.