This is a list of some of the plant pages that still need photos added to them and some of them need more information about the plant. If you can help GardenStew Plants become a more helpful feature, please click on the link and make your addition. Thanks Sempervivum 'Frost and Flame' Trillium luteum (Yellow Trillium, Yellow Wakerobin) Capsicum frutescens (Cayenne Pepper) Solanum lycopersicum 'Roma VF' Solidago gigantea (Giant Goldenrod) Juniperus communis (Common Juniper) Brunfelsia bonodora (Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow)Campanula latifolia (Giant Bellflower) Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna Lily, Naked Lady)
I have just added Hedera helix Duck Foot. I also have about 100 pictures of other Hedera forms if you want them.
Eric, so sorry to be this late getting back to you about the photos. There is only one other Hedera plant pages needing photos. Hedera colchica If you have the chance to use the Suggest Plant feature and give us the name of the other Hedera that would be great.