I just cooked a veggie stirfry over rice, veggies were from the garden & I sauteed some of those garlic skapes into it.
I'm new to growing garlic. Just starting my first seeding tomorrow. Please tell me when and why to cut the skapes and how to use them.
@Cayuga Morning - How is your harvest this year? How many did you plant to get that harvest in your picture? I just got my garlic scapes! I have 36 out of the 40 I planted (4 small cloves didn't grow well). I also have shallot scapes. Those were tricky because they don't curl so I didn't know when to harvest them. A couple of them opened a little. I don't even know what that is called. A floret? The little flowers inside remind me of a broccoli floret. Can they be eaten raw in a salad? Should I stick to stir-fry, stew or soups? I'm getting hungry. Oh, by the way, I've been planting in raised beds and found what appeared to be a hole from a burrowing animal beneath the edge of one of them. Is my garlic in danger?
Hi Beeker, @Beeker , Congrats on your garlic! It sounds like you are having a successful year! The scapes are delicious sauteed with veggies or meat. IMO. I would be surprised if a borrowing animal went for garlic...we've had plenty of voles in our community garden in past years & they've never gone for the garlic. Or onions. My garlic harvest is going well this year! I am harvesting the scapes & giving many away. They are good in sautes, aren't they? I'll probably dig my garlic up in a bit. I harvest mine when the lower leaves start to turn brown but before the cloves begin to split. Yes the shallot scapes are indeed edible, cooked or raw. Depending of course on how much you like onions! Congrats. I do think growing garlic to be one of the easiest crops.
Thanks, @Cayuga Morning ! I'm relieved to hear that the animals won't go for the garlic. I've been using one or two scapes at a time with meat, fish, veggies and on baked potatoes! They are, indeed, delicious! I am considering giving some away because I don't want them to go bad and I don't use many. The leaves are getting brown now. I think I'll pull one and see if they're ready. I don't know what to do with the shallots. They flopped over really early, but I knew they weren't ready to harvest. Maybe now? They didn't sprout scapes all at the same time like the garlic did. The shallots were more staggered. Maybe I should wait a couple more weeks. How about the curing process? I have a couple of laundry bags to hang them in. Would that work? I also have a couple of woven bags that the onions come in from the store. Can I reuse those? Also, how long do you let the garlic cure? Sorry for all the questions. I have looked up information online, but I'd like to hear it from forum friends, as I feel you are more reliable and clear with your information.