We did a lightening visit to the allotment today. It was wet, windy and cold...but I wanted to set the wild cam up and feed the birdies. There was also harvesting to do. Sprouts a-plenty: Apples from out mini-tree, "Moonlight": The credit for this foto is the website where I bought the tree, http://www.minitree.nl/appelboom/13-minitree-moonlight#idTab4 My foto of my tree is not nearly as good or representative as theirs...plus I forgot to take a foto with all the fruity hanging on it before the bride plucked it clean. My tree: The harvest: We have a lot of work to do tomorrow, but I shall write about that in the morning. Take us home, James.
Oh I could do with those apples. My tree has, finally, stopped producing and the new one won't arrive until later this month. I hope I get a crop next year as good as yours has been.
S, Those B. sprouts are huge. mine are about 18" tall. whoo hoo! nothing to even fret over and pick. well done my friend!
Yeah EILEEN-- I'm well chuffed with those as well. This id the first year that it has produced anything worthy of writing home about. Tomorrow morning, we are going to sort them for eating and saucing. CAROLYN--Thanks a mil. They have turned out oké. Tomorrow morning we shall blanch and freeze them in. We cleaned and X'ed tonight. p.s. -- Glad you're back.
That's the first time I've seen mature b. sprouts and had no idea how they grew. The fruit is 'under' the leaves! Amazing! I'm tempted to grow them even though they are not a favorite for us.
Yeah 2OF--they grow in a peculiar way alright. I am glad that my plants are so unusually tall...it means that the sprouts are spaces widely and that I can easily pick them. Normally that grow shorter with the sprpots very compactly situated on the stem. I am just glad that they worked. It is the first time that I have been successful growing this crop as the clubroot sickness is in my garden. I took special measures to ensure success this time. I had more sprouts last night. Ahhhh, I really do like them.
Lovely, just lovely Sjoerd. Take care with Cabbage Root fly, put collars around the plants. https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Slug-Sna...9018&sr=8-3&keywords=cabbage+root+fly+collars ..I once took some sprouts to work and they thought they were cabbages......HAHAHA! K
Hey There Kate, Thanks for your good words. Boy, that was a funny one about what your work colleagues said! Did they think that they were cabbages for gnomes then? Chortle.
Great job...I love seeing your garden. Those sprouts are amazing!! Love them!!! And those apples!! Again great job Sjoerd!!