If there is one thing about the Stew that everyone should know if that NOTHING stays constant All in the name of tweaking and improvement. And I think the term 'meddling' is more approriate. Signed, // Frank 8)
Meddling is to stick your nose into other peoples business....fiddling is keeping your hands and fingers busy...you come closer to fiddling. But....if the name of the last poster isn't with the Most Recent Forum Topics how will we be able to keep track of which member is the most addicted to GardenStew?
Simple, look under 'Top posting users this Month' here http://www.gardenstew.com/statistics.php I'm almost twice as addicted as everyone else
Frank some of us old people are not as great on computers as others .We have a hard time understanding everything and where to go find all the things were use to reading and answering.I'm one of those old people. :-D Please stop fiddling so much.I can't keep up
As small as gnomes are, he couldn't play that fiddle anyhow! To him it was the size of a base fiddle!