All I have ever done is just drop them on the dirt, like Mother Nature does Once they get started they will re-seed themselves EVERYWHERE! Good Luck Deanna :-D
I think that Lupin seeds need a cold period before they germinate. I usually plant my Lupin seeds in the fall.
I put mine in the refrigerator overnight and then planted in little plastic cells w/potting compost. I kept the cells outdoors, but we've had pretty warm weather so I kept them in the shade. They sprouted in about a week.
I have planted them directly into the soil and I have soaked them in water (in a container resting on a gentle heat source) for two days before planting them in cells and both worked well...although planting them in cells had a slightly higher germination rate. It is only fair to say that the seeds planted outside in the soil could have fallen prey to birds or mice though.