I dug up my elephant ear in the fall and set them out the first of March.I know they like a lots of water so I set them out in a place that stays wet.Do you think they will do ok? Or will they rot before they take root?I was told they might rot,this was after I set them out.What do I need to do? I love my elephant ears.HELP!!!!!!!!
hmmm ive always been afraid to dig them up once they got established but i hear people do it all the time. I guess they dont really get that established....they just ball up after there done for the season eh... i think i might have lost one or two of mine, not sure if cold or rot got them but i dont see them coming up yet except one. Maybe they have different time releases? Ive left them over the winter in the ground and they came back before. Im thinking of buying some more because i like em a lot too, they give that tropical look. Take a read of this material i found, it says they love water and do good in places with it. Ive always wanted to get the black variety "black magic" elephant ears but i'll probably have to order those. Im in zone 7b, where are u?
I live in north Miss.After reading that they liked lots of water I thought I would move them to this place that stays wet well into the summer.But I was told that if the roots were not established the bulbs would rot if I put them in a wet place.I hope not.I had so many compliments on them last year I was so proud.I just hope I haven't ruined them.Thanks for your reply.
i guess the roots would never get established if you lived in a colder climate that made you remove the plants in the autumn? do you think that only in warmer areas where u leave them in the ground they would like the water better?