We have them all over here Barb. They are feral pigeons (descendnts of Rock Doves.) Watch out for your veggies and they love to feed on the leaves.
eileen, Well dang....and I bought them....I was going to let them live in with the chickens or pheasants.Guess I'll get rid of them if they are common birds. Barb in Pa.
Nice looking.My Dh use to raise homing type. And Dentist we clean for SHOWS them. Got many trophies .We would go take care of his when on vacation. Some worth $$$$$. My gravel drive way full up now -doves eating cracked corn DH put out for them
Oh, Barb, keep them. They are pretty to look at, and they make the nicest cooing sound--very soothing. Our neighbor keeps pigeons and occasionally a pair will come over to our barn and set up housekeeping. We now have two nesting pairs in the barn rafters. It's so nice to go out in the early morning and hear them talking to each other. Our hens like them, too. I have a plate of wildbird seed for them, and a small waterer that the chickens no longer need. It doesn't matter if they are "common"--if you like them, keep them!
They are like the ones that live in our downtown area, just in the past month a few are coming to our feeders. I love the iridescence on yours, not common at all to me!!
These are the size of chickens. Maybe 3 pounds. They are not the size of regular pigeons. The top pic has a gallon milk jug hanging in it for comparison. Barb in Pa.
In the rural area that I live in, there are TONS of very large pigeons. The farmers have problems with them in their barns pooping on their stored hay so they shoot them. Some of them have pretty colors, but it seems that everyone around here thinks of them as DIRTY.
I wanted something a little different that I could have in with the chickens and make friends with. I don't think I want something that is so common. I will probably get rid of them tomorrow... Barb in Pa.
I was shocked to see the prices of some in catalog Doc had his office. He was going to show this weekend. Said he got lot of e-mails wanting some of his.Dh would be still raising them if had new barn-or $$$ to build one our self.+ he use to raise 1000 quail.
In the spring we get the "Collared" dove, or ring-neck dove they call them at the feeder. Just a few, some years none. Mostly the mourning dove, no pigeons at all.
We have Eurasian collared doves all year 'round (as a matter of fact, I hear one cooing right now) and we also get Whitewings. Whitewing season starts Sept. 1, so every morning we hear gunfire. Why someone wants to shoot a bird that gives a small mouthful of meat, I don't understand. We occasionally get mourning doves, too.
Those are giant pigeons! They are the size of chickens or bigger. Are you raising them for Sunday dinner, or pets? Did you decide to get rid of them?