Ginormous limes of Thailand!

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by S-H, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    Dear all, I'm not exactly sure where I should be posting this (in the village square, or the fruit and vegetable section, or here) - But this is something that I do periodically check about every few months.

    In 2005, I read a post on the famous Boing-Boing blog about some type of giant limes discovered in the jungles of Thailand! 3 to 4 of them give about half a liter of juice (almost 2 glass full), which tastes exactly like (if not better) than the limes we all have seen and used all our lives. They are about 5 inches in diameter, and weighs in at 1.5kg (or 3.3 pounds) each!

    See the original post: ... of-th.html
    And see them mentioned here too: ... -lime.html

    Now what I'm seriously bothered by is (and I really make no secret of it), that I WANT THESE FOR MYSELF!!!
    But until now, even after 7 long years - I have no clue where to get them from. Do we have any members over here from Thailand? I ask because I can't actually read the Thai script (so have no idea where to even start looking)... Seriously, I am willing to travel to Thailand if need be (as well as pay handsomely) - As long as I get this for sure!
    Apologies in advance if someone had made a post about this in the past on Garden Stew. Why I'm asking about this here is because I REALLY am interested in owning and growing these - But I honestly can't find any trace of them after they were once mentioned on Boing-Boing...
    Has anybody over here heard or seen anything like these in their areas??? Why didn't this create a frenzy among lime growers of the world? I even started to read up on Plant Tissue Culture after I got to know of these Ginormous limes of Thailand (as I wanted to propagate them)! Was it all for waste? I mean where did they go? Why no mention of them since 2005???

    Was this some false bogus post I got excited about?

    Ginormous lime of Thailand ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
    Frank likes this.
  2. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    How very odd that it hasn't been mentioned again... Hm. I hope you manage to find out what's what. Lots of people seem to have nothing better to do than create hoaxes, and I just hope this isn't one of them.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Yes! Exactly! I too often think that what if it was just a hoax? That is why I also often try to find out about it on Snopes DOT COM (as they are the number one authority on the net who bust hoaxes). But so far, even they haven't mentioned anything about it.

    It's just so strange, as I really can't find anything negative about it either... I mean, if it was a hoax, then shouldn't there be other lime lovers like me, who too would have felt cheated - And so would have made a post about it somewhere online?

    Also, I have found that the Thai language barrier (including their written script) too is a Ginormous obstacle to overcome. Which is why I guess, no one is able to do anything about it. But if that was true, what the heck happened to the people who actually discovered it?

    If I had found this on my own, than surely I would have tried to profit from it (by advertising it somewhere). So what's exactly going on? Just one post about it on Boing-Boing blog, and 7 years down the road, we have exactly zilch...

    God, I am now feeling so much like agent Fox Mulder (from the famous X-Files TV Show). This really feels like a case of Alien Abduction. The truth is indeed out there, (only I can't seem to uncover it)...

    I've said it before and I'm saying it again, I am willing to even travel to Thailand myself and get this plant over to my place! I on my own will deal with the customs of both Thailand and Pakistan (will pay all the fees). All I need to know is, where to go and who to contact in Thailand?

    Anybody got any ideas? Where exactly should I start looking? Even the official page of the Thailand Horticultural Society seems to have expired (due to lack of domain payments) - [ ]. I am however able to get the older copy of their webpage (thanks to Google cash/back-up). ...

    But here too, not much progress. Also am unable to get their phone numbers. I had once called (about 4 years ago). However the person at the other end of the line would only speak in Thai...

    They do however now have a page on FaceBook too (see link below). ... 8561704593

    But this too is in Thai... :setc_011:

    Yes I can easily use Google translate (see link below). But would the person on the other end also be willing to take the time to use Google translate? Somehow, I have a feeling that even though I am really trying be extra cooperative over here - I still will get nothing done...

  4. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Did anyone else think.....Margarita? :D

  5. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    yup! and Key Lime Pie! :D
    stratsmom likes this.
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Actually I was imagining a pick-up truck fully loaded with almost a 100 giant demijohns, filled to the brim with my own brand of pure lemonade - But non of what we are imagining will become true unless someone does something to figure out - What exactly happen to this discovery???


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