My goats got out of their fence and went to work on my forsythia, lilac and rose of sharon. They ate the ends of the branches. Will these make it? or am I gonna have to replace?
They should be OK as long as you don't get any hard frosts before the ends harden off. Maybe trimming them down to just above a leaf bud though is a good idea as ragged ends do the plant no good. At least the goats ate the plants at the right time of year and not when they were actually in full leaf.
Hey HotHouseHen, well unless the plants have been tugged to the point that their roots have been damaged those plants should cope. Forsythia and Rose of sharon can take coppicing or hard cut backs. With your Lilac if it has been badly eaten the shape of the plant may change eg. instead of one to two stems you may now have many more popping up.