Goldfish Spawning problems

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by KoiBoi, May 15, 2008.

  1. KoiBoi

    KoiBoi New Seed

    May 15, 2008
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    I am having some problems with my goldfish spawning. One of my females looks like she is full of eggs and ready to burst any second. She is being chased around by the other goldfish and they throwing her around a lot. From my limited understanding of spawning I thought this was a sure sign that spawning was about to take place and that within a few hours everything would be done. Well the problem is that this has been going on for several days now and my female is getting really beat up. Her sides look pretty raw.

    My question is, is something wrong? Why isn't she releasing her eggs? I have a lot of plants and some spawning bruhses in the pond. Anyway a little help would be great. I would like to get some eggs this year but don't want any dead fish.
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  3. SongofJoy57

    SongofJoy57 In Flower

    Oct 20, 2007
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    Foothills of North Carolina Z = 7a & 7b
    I feel so sorry for your little mama fish . . . . I found this link that may help . . . ... 15454.html

    If you do decide to separate her . . . use the same water that she is in . . . in a clean bucket . . . I would sit it out of the sun . . . possibly in your laundry room or bathroom to let her get some rest, and healing . . . you may want to call a pet shop for advice on healing those sides!!!
  4. swervo513

    swervo513 New Seed

    Aug 27, 2008
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    Brooklyn, NY
    i have more experience with fish then I do with plants, so i am going to ask... what is the problem? Are her fins ripped? Is she missing scales? If not there is nothing to worry about. Goldfish are very hardy creatures. I recommend a little over feeding and some stress coat from a local pet store if you are really concerned. It sounds like normal goldfish activity to me. And by the way are you sure she is female? Female goldfish generally have shorter less fancy tails and fins than males. Double check this. And if you want the young to survive (which may be very difficult) I recommend either seperating the couple until spawn time or adding alot of bushy plants in a shallow area of the pond this way you can easily scoop them out when they are born. Goodluck and let me know if you have any more questions.

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