Don't have pics, cause 1) I don't have a camera and 2) they don't have blooms yet. Earlier today I was surfing the stew and saw a link for I hadn't been there in a long time, so I headed on over. I mainly did that cause I wanted to see if -maybe- somebody had plants or seeds. Joined the Indy group, and lo and behold, the very first post I laid eyes on was for plants! It had just been posted today, so I sent em a message quick-like, and the person responded that yes I could have them! They said they would leave the plants on the front step and just drop by whenever to pick em up The plants are Elecampane (which was what the add was for) and a sprout from a rambler rose that they said I could have also They said the rose was and old-fashioned one that would bloom once in July or August, and they said its very fragrant So Im happy Now if I can just keep em alive