Due to additional snowfall and unseasonable temperature, the official spring projection for the left side of the driveway, 12 feet away from the large oak tree has been revised. As you can see on the JOSMS graph the new date has been pushed out to April 22nd at 2:17 :26AM. We realize this new projection may cause some unforeseen problems and so a special hotline to Mother Nature has been set up to voice your concerns. Since its inception the hotline has experienced temperature problems and is now a coldline. As the phone is located on a pole outside Mrs. Nature's house there is some delay in answering calls. Rest assured all calls will be answered in the order they are received. We thank you for your patients. Jerry P.S. I will be out for the day attending the 2015 annual IFS Pictures to follow. P.P.S. Our annual IFS committee has suggested perhaps you too can attend an IFS near you to cheer you up. Just in case, this is last years IFS: http://www.gardenstew.com/threads/the-garden-center-awakens…-the-annual-ifs.32419/
It is just so strange to imagine that parts of the country are still having snow when we have temps in the 70-85 deg range. I would gladly swap with you if you can figure out a way to do that..... Jane, Cheryl and Mart won't agree with that so try to be very accurate on the location you send the snow to.