I live out in the country and when there is a severe weather alert , tornado or other emergency situation, there is no way to know before hand unless you are setting in front of the TV 24 hours a day. Up until now. Our sheriff's office is putting a new tool into affect this week. It is called a Code Red system. Esentually it is a reverse 911 call. When our area is in one of these type situation, they will call us with the warning. I had to go into the sheriff's website and register my name, address and phone number and the type warnings I want to receive. I think it is great and the cost is free. After all we pay taxes for the 911 service and this is just an extention of the 911 system. If you don't have something like this, I encourage you to contact your 911 provider to highly recommend it! moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
More and more areas and cities are putting the reverse 911 system into use. It is really needed in small towns or rural areas where homes are scattered over a large area. We have siren warning systems locally and Randy being a HAM radio operator and Storm Spotter we have weather radios that sound an alarm when a severe weather alert has been issued.
The security of the reverse 911 is great to have. We have had it for 4 years here for tsunami warnings and a coule years ago we got on the Amber alert cdall list for anything within 50 miles of us. Is nice to have a fast response and not have to rely on hearing a siren in acclimate weather.
I hope it works well for you, Capt. We haven't got anything of the sort, but I guess it's not needed here either. We rarely get anything stronger than violent storms.