Yesterday someone gave me two, small, sprouted ginger roots. I've never grown ginger. I've got some fresh compost. I was thinking about potting them in the compost and transplanting later. Is that a good plan? I would welcome suggestions on how to care for ginger. Ginger ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )
I've never actually grown ginger myself but I did come across this website that gives you lots of information.
I've grown two types of Ginger - not as a herb, but for the flowers... one was called "Hidden" and the other is a White Butterfly Ginger. I don't know if they require the same care as your's but they are very easy to grow... in a container or in the ground. A little word of caution, they do spread. The White Butterfly likes it a little moist with some shade and the Hidden liked it a little more sunny.
thankyou also Eileen for that link. I just bought a piece of ginger root from the store, so this link should be very helpful.
I grow some ginger in the house each winter, I like to use the greens to spice up soups and whatnot. These are not great pics, it is hard to reach far enough in to get a good pic, but if you look closely you will see the grass like growths, those are the ginger growing, there are three two sprouts and one large stem growing fro this root. I do not know what type of soil should be used really and some years I have been unable to get them to grow. I just put them in with other plants that a bit of extra room in them. These are in a mix of peat/clay/forest humus/ old manure. The greens are great as a spice, just take a small portion of each plant and you can keep them growing all winter long. I also sprout garlic throughout the winter and use the greens like chives in the same way. Carrot greens are also easy to grow in the winter and can also be used to flavor food.
I'll have to get a picture update of my ginger later as I'm heading off to work right now. didn't know the green could be used. I want to see what flower it produces.