I have "houseplants" that are sitting on my porch for now , but will have to bring them in in a few months. Even tho I have east facing windows they don't get enough light through them. I have been looking at grow lights and there are a plethora of them , are there anyone's that are recommended? I know I keep seeing between 5000-7000 kel
I’ve been using these for three years now https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BCPMN32C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 They last about 2 years (some much longer), are cheap, have timers (chose of 4 settings). They will burn the leaves of some houseplants if placed too close to leaves. My basement plants only use these and the overhead light. There are two at the base of the large plant pot with another shining from the smaller Hoya pot. The six dracaena trees have all grown 8-12 inches in the last 2 years and are in the single pot. They have always been in the basement 12 feet from a small north facing window. I also use these little lights upstairs for supplemental source of light for some of my living room plants. The overhead light is something like this in the basement https://www.homedepot.com/p/NICOR-D...-Ceiling-Light-4000K-DSE921204KRDWH/311460035. This is my art room.
I tried these ceiling grow lights off amazon and my indoor plants have thrived off them. https://www.amazon.com/LORDEM-Ceili...1718453123&sprefix=ceiling+grow,aps,81&sr=8-2