We have had 2 mornings of heavy frost and they have a freeze warning out for tonight. The low is supposed to go to about 25 deg. F. Brrrrrrrrrrr
Strangely enough we've only had three very light frosts here so far. Long may it last!! Quite a few of my plants are still flowering - Kaffir lillies, agapanthus, sedum, Nellie Mosa (clematis) etc. and some of my spring bulbs are actually poking their heads out of the earth. If we have heavy frosts they're all going to suffer quite badly.
Well it only got down to 30 Deg. F last night. We had a few clouds move in and that helped. I still have some zinnias, cleome and snapdragons blooming. But they do look a little more bedraggeled today!
We haven't had a frost yet so I have quite a few things still blooming. The big mulberry tree is dropping it's leaves. I spent the morning cleaning the front yard and cutting back things that needed it. I dug a new flower bed for the spring. Except I think I will put some iris's there. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. It's supposed to be nice. Last Sunday it was supposed to be nice and we had about 2 inches of rain. It made digging the new flower bed easier. Dooley