Hello everyone!! I'm from southish, centralish Minnesota!! My significant other and I just purchased house! This house has a lot of landscaping and I'm at a loss of how to maintain the flowers and bushes the previous owners have established. I'm hoping to get some veteran advice, in regards to gardening; I'm very much a newbie! I hope everyone has a great and amazing day!!!
Hi NorthernLady, welcome to GardenStew from north Texas. We really have fun indentifying plants and we all always learn something new each time we do.
Welcome from Central Texas! We have different climates ( ) but share a love of plants. We'll help all we can in identifying and in getting you addicted to gardening!
Welcome to our forums NorthernLady and congraulations on your new home and garden. Ask as many questions as you like as there's always someone here who can give a helping hand. Photographs are great as they will help us to help you much better than a written description.
Welcome, NorthernLady, from a lady a lot further north. I'm on the northwestern coast of Norway, the bit where all the deep fjords and tall mountains are. Congratulations on your new home and garden. I'm looking forward to stewing with you, so please hop in and make yourself at home.
Hi NorthernLady, welcome to GardenStew from Chelmsford MA. You have come to the right place for gardening help, advice and fun. There is always an interested person around so ask away. Welcome aboard. Jerry
Welcome from another person in Texas. I won't say I'm a Texan because I've only been here just short of 4 years. I used to live in Wisconsin once upon a time so I know some about northern gardens. Hop in with your questions and pictures and someone will be able to help you. Check our member map for other people in your area. dooley
Hi NorthernLady and a hearty welcome to GardenStew. Glad to have you here! Then the Plant ID forum is going to be very useful for you http://www.gardenstew.com/forum-30.html
NLady sending you a big welcome from Wis. As others have said this is a great gardening community full of helpful and friendly folks. Looking forward to pic's of your new place.
Ohh!! Norway is such a beautiful country. My Grandpa's family (on my dad's side) immigrated from Norway some generations ago. I loved hearing stories about the area they were from. I would love to visit Norway one day! The tiny little town that my Grandpa is from (in Minnesota) celebrates like a constitution day or like a labour day? I don't know to much about it, please forgive my ignorance! All I know is that it is sometime in May and they make yummy food!