Here on the birthday of the United States, we also get to celebrate Miss Liberty's birthday! Miss L. you're a great addition to our group, so have many more birthdays we can celebrate.
Happy Birthday!! Its a lucky day to have a birthday!! Your sharing it today with the United States 235th birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Liberty. I hope that you have a really good one and treat yourself to a nice garden present.
Happy Birthday! What a great day for a birthday! Everyone around you celebrates with you. What fun! dooley
Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes!! I've really enjoyed becoming a part of this great group. I spent a great day with my husband, family, and a host of friends old and new. The word about my new found love of gardening is spreading. I got two new books, some great gardening tools, and promises to take some of the inevitable bounty of zucchini off of my hands.