Whats everyone expecting or buying for others. My great - Grandson was born on Christmas day...he is almost five and already uses an Ipad and is at nursery school. I bought him a large white chocolate father christmas........that won't last long. A Maize ball which will frustrate him but help with hand/eye cordination...good for sports activities. A game called Frustration and Keplunk game. And also a DVD of Paddington Bear and the story. His Grangrad/dad has bought him a small mountain bike. He calls my son his Grangrad........... I bought my son a SAT - NAV so he can keep the cell phone out his ear-hole..... So what is trending at yours (presents for kids)
Merry Christmas Kate.I enjoy hearing about your family. I have no kids or grand kids so it's special hearing all about other families. Sometimes I want to go over and pick up a cute little baby and just hold it or play something silly when seeing a cute kid at a store and I know the parents would think I was a little kinky so I refrain from doing things....
I have three kids - two boys and a girl. None are children nowadays so both my eldest lad and my daughter are getting IPad minis. Our youngest lad gets the equivalent in cash as he travels and won't be here on the 25th. We don't buy expensive gifts like this for them every year though. This time around Ian is sharing some of his aunts inheritance with them all which I think is lovely. As we don't have grandkids our fourth 'child' (the dog) is getting two rope toys which he adores!! Well we can't leave him out now can we?