Happy Fathers day!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by pete28, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. pete28

    pete28 Seedling

    Jun 11, 2008
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    White Springs Florida
    I wanted to tell all the fathers first off thank you for all choosing to be the biggest part of a childs life. the people that hold together familys during their darkest hours and have open arms willing to take you in whether you are an infant or 50 years old. A fathers love and wisdom is unmatched both in life experiences and just about everything else imaginable.

    You are not just a provider financially but also spiritually. When your teenage daughter is in tears because her and her boyfriend broke up, or when your son comes to you for the talk. Remeber your children will always think they are right until that one day when they come to you and just sort of give you that look that says dad you were right.

    Your children will put you through some of the best and worst times of your lives. They will scare you to death during their first bike rides praying they dont fall off. Your children will make you cry when you leave the nest. For those with daughters you will cry when you walk them down the aisle. I dont care how big and tough you are you will cry.

    For those of you with sons be fair with them. Teach them all of the things that make you a great man. Teach them to love a woman by the way you treat your wife and other ladies. Teach them manners. Show them the value of a good days work and how it will make them feel. Teach them and prepare them for lifes lessons. Teach them how to be a good man. Pick them up when they make a mistake. Be firm with them, but let them know there is a reason for everything. there will come a time no matter how hard you try where he will say that he hates you. I think all of the men here can relate doing that with their father and if not then that is wonderful. You will have arguments with your son. God willing thats a very good thing. With any luck that means he is becoming the man you are. It may take time but he will come to you to apologize. When he has questions give him the answers, and show him the reasoning. You have taken on a great responsibility and bless you for that.

    For those of you with daughters hold them dear to your heart. From those long nights on the couch rocking them to sleep as infants, to those late night talks when there hearts have been broken. Show them each and every day that they are the most important thing in your life. Remember no matter how tired you are or how sad or how sick always muster up the strength to have a smile for them. Your daughters will love you for all the same reasons that your wife does but in a different way. Show them how a family should be treated. Let them know you will always be there for them and that there is nothing you would not do for them. Be there for them to change a faucet at there new home. Be a good grandfather to your grandchildren. But most of all let them know they are loved above all else.

    I hope all of you have a great day tomorrow and while it is a day of rest for us dads it is also a day of pride for knowing that so many people look up to you for wisdom.

    this fathers day my wife and two daughters are in Connecticut visiting family on vacation and I will dearly miss them all. So to you fathers give your kids just one extra hug and let them know you care.

    Enjoy everyone and happy fathers day!
    :D :D :D
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  3. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    I wanted to wish a happy Fathers day to Stew, the "father" of our favorite website!
  4. SomeSheila

    SomeSheila New Seed

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Yorba Linda, California
    Happy Father's Day Pete!

    Your words were so special and so very thoughtful...Have a wonderful day!
    :) Sheila
  5. gardenmama

    gardenmama In Flower

    May 26, 2008
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    Happy Fathers Day! :stew2:

  6. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Wonderful post Pete, thanks for taking the time to share it with us.
  7. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Well said Pete!
    Happy Fathers Day to all :)

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