HAVE: Veggies - All kinds

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by garden_n_mom, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. garden_n_mom

    garden_n_mom New Seed

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Concrete, Washington
    I have the following to trade. I am looking for things from my wants list,(below) as well as others.
    All of my veggies have been commercially harvested this year for a local seed company. The seed company paks these for sowing in 2008. Each of my trades contains 30-50 seeds.

    ~~Commercial seeds~~
    Asparagus - Atlas - 20+
    Arugula - Adagio - 0
    Arugula - Astro - 0
    Beet - Crosby's Green Top - 20+
    Beet - Detroit Dark Red - 1
    Beet - Detroit Supreme - 2
    Beet - Early Wonder Tall Top - 1
    Beet - Ruby Queen - 5
    Beet Hy. - Merlin - 4
    Beet Hy. - Red Ace - 14 ++
    **Beet Hy. - Organic Red Ace - 2
    Beet Hy. - Solo - 3
    Broccoli-Raab - Sorrento - 4
    Cabbage - Copenhagen Market - 0
    Cabbage - Early Jersey Wakefield - 10+ **Cone-head cabbage!
    Carrot - Chantenay Red Cored - 5
    Carrot Hy. - Ingot - 0
    Carrot - Mercury - 20+
    Carrot Hy. - Neptune - 6
    Carrot - Royal Chantenay - 0
    Carrot Hy. - Samantha - 3
    Cilantro/Coriander - Santo - 9 ++
    Collards - Champion - 2
    Collards - Morris Heading - 4
    Collards - Vates - 2
    Collards Hy. - Flash - 0
    Kale - Vates Blue Curled Scotch - 0
    Kale - Winterbor F1 - 4
    Kohlrabi - White Vienna - 20+
    Mustard - Florida Broadleaf - 20+
    Onion - Green - 20+
    Parsley - Dark Green Italian - 3
    Parsley - Forest Green - 3
    Parsley - Forest Green w/Thiram - 0
    Parsnip - 1
    Radish - Champion - 6
    Radish - French Breakfast - 0
    Radish - Icicle Short Top - 2
    Radish Hy. - ACX 101 - 3
    Radish Hy. - SRA6508 - 3
    Radish - Plum Purple - 20+
    Spinach - F91-415 - 3
    Spinach Hy. - Avon - 0
    Spinach Hy. - C2-606 - 0
    Spinach Hy. - C2-608 - 4
    Spinach Hy. - Crescent - 0
    Spinach Hy. - Imperial Spring - 5
    Spinach Hy. - No. 3665 - 3
    Spinach - Resistoflay - 20+
    Spinach Hy. - Samish - 0
    Spinach Hy. - Shasta - 0
    Spinach Hy. - SP 87 - 3
    Spinach Hy. - Whitney - 20+
    Swiss Chard - Eldorado - 1
    Swiss Chard - Fordhook giant - 10
    Swiss Chard - Rhubarb - 16
    Swiss Chard - S2550 - 1
    Swiss Chard - Silverado - 1
    Swiss Chard Hy. - BEC 211 - 2
    Swiss Chard Hy. - BED218 - 2
    Swiss Chard Hy. - S2548 - 2
    Turnip - Purple Top White Globe - 3
    Turnip Hy. - Alamo - 1
    Mystery - Beet or Swiss Chard - 1 med trade SASBE
    Mystery - Beet or Swiss Chard - 1 lg trade SASBE
    veggie - unknown - 1 cabbage maybe? SASBE

    ~~Collected Seeds~~
    Tomato - Heirloom Mix - 1
    Acorn Squash - 5
    Winter Squash - Carnival - 8
    Winter Squash - Waltham Butternut - 2
    Winter squash - Delicata - 2
    Winter Squash - Mix - 1
    Winter Squash - Surprise - 1
    Pumpkin - Carving - 1
    Pumpkin - Jack o Lantern - 1
    Okra - Annie Oakley - 1
    Okra - Clemson Spineless - 1
    black walnut - 50+ SASBE
    marigold - Durango Bee - 4
    Leonurus cardacia (Motherwort) - 3
    Larix japonica 'Diana' - cones Contorted deciduous conifer! ***Special
    Bachelor Buttons - dark purple - 3
    Bachelor Buttons - pink - 3
    Bachelor Buttons - light purple - 3
    Bachelor Buttons - blue - 3
    Echinacea - Magnus - 3
    Echinacea - Primadonna Deep Rose - 4
    Echinacea - Primadonna White - 2
    Poppy - Fuchsia Peony - 3
    Unknown Iris--collected by hubby from work, he says it is a bearded iris
    Cosmos - Orange - 5
    Rosa Rugosa - from white parent - 3
    Black/red sunflowers mix - 4
    autumn sunflowers mix - 5
    black eyed susans(rudbeckia) - 2
    scutillaria laterifolia - 8
    Snowberry - 2
    Alder - 5
    Clematis, yellow-flowered with feathery seeds - 10
    Rhus Typhina - Staghorn Sumac - 4

    Artichoke - purple or green
    Black Radish
    Watermelon Radish
    Golden Beet
    Butternut Sq. - Barbara Butternut and Avalon Butternut
    Beans - Pole, bush, runner, What do you have?
    Peas - Sweet Pole peas and snow peas
    Kale - Walking Stick(Jersey Cabbage), any red/purple
    Corn(Popcorn) - Red Strawberry
    Corn - Peaches and Cream
    Celeriac or Celery
    Melon - Tigger
    Asparagus Pea - Tetragonolobus purpureus
    Cabbage - Kalibos, Red or Giant Cabbage
    Horseradish - green or variegated
    Jerusalem Artichoke - only red
    Brussels Sprouts - only red/purple
    Poppies - opium and peony
    Chenopodium floiosum 'Strawberry Fields'
    Phaseolus caracalla - Snail Flower
    Paulownia - Empress Tree (seed, or cutting)
    Baby's Breath, Perennial - White or Rose
    Dierama - Angels Fishing Rods
    Dianthus - Hardy varieties or biennials
    Beauty Berry - White
    Black-eyed susan vine
    Strawberries - no alpines please unless white berries
    Wisteria - Pink or white
    salvia apiana - Really Want
    dwarf sunflowers (Have Teddy Bear)
    loquat tree - Really Want
    hardy geranium - have 'Samobor'
    agastache mexicana -have acapulco Orange
    buddlea davidii - red and tricolor
    Babiana Stricta
    bletilla striata
    acidanthera(fragrant Gladiolus)
    Winter-hardy gladiolus
    Paw Paw
    Persimmon -Asian
    Figs(cuttings) - just cut a few pieces the size of a finger
    We love edibles of every kind! Feel free to ask if you want to trade.
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