Do you know if we have any members in Japan? Thought if we did, it would be great to get their perspective on the quakes and Tsunami.
Hi Capt, Not as far as I recall. Very terrible what is happening there now. If any members have relatives / friends there may they stay safe. // frank
Seeing the news coverage, just awful. Amazing how they are so prepared in Japan with earthquake drills and the buildings are all constructed to move with the earth rather than against it, but that water, there is nothing you can do about that rushing water. Just heartbreaking.
One of my co-workers husband is stranded there... but safe. I have a couple of friends that live there. My first thought was to email them to see if they're okay... but I seriously doubt they have internet service. So I guess I'll just wait a bit then check in on them.
The latest report now says that there are around 10,000 people unaccounted for and an estimated 1,700 dead. Our news programme also said that British Rescue workers are on their way to Japan to try help in the aftermath of this terrible disaster. I'm sure many other countries will be sending aid to the port of Minamisanriku to give what help they can but my heart goes out to everyione who has suffered the loss of a loved one, home or business.
We have quite a few Japanese in the central Ohio area, because of the big Honda plant here. And I am sure that there are a few americans from the plant that are in Japan.