Have you any pictures of these reptiles?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Kildale, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Kildale

    Kildale Nature's Window

    Mar 30, 2009
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    British Columbia
    I'm still looking for a few reptile images to complete my Official State Emblem page. If you have any of the following, send me an PM.
    Alabama reptile, Red-bellied tturtle
    California reptile, Desert Tortoise
    Nevada reptile, Desert Tortoise
    Georgia reptile, Gopher Tortoise
    Maryland reptile, Diamondback Terrapin
    Missouri reptile, Three-toed box Turtle
    Ohio reptile, Black Racer
    South Carolina reptile, Loggerhead sea turtle

    Don't need a lot, but then all the States don't have an official reptile.
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