Hello all. I don't know about you, but I've found out that some colors are harder to get correct when you photograph digital? Many have problems with red/pink/lilac, but I have problems with yellow :-| That is, if I take a picture of a yellow flower I have to hold back all colors if I want any details to be shown? Is there any simple way to work this out?
You could always get a copy of photo shop and change the color hue to make different colors more or less vibrant... that why you won't take away from the detail as much.
Yes, that's one way. Thanks But couldn't it be correct at once? Some filters or settings in the camera to adjust?
You should be able to adjust color, saturation, sharpness, and contrast... but the catch is you have to adjust it on the saved image on camera. The "play" mode sort to say.
Just a tip about Photoshop. I think you can only download an illegal copy. Try GIMP instead, it's free open-source SW.