Hello from a new bee

Discussion in 'Welcome to GardenStew' started by alleyyooper, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. alleyyooper

    alleyyooper Seedling

    Jul 18, 2005
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    :D Al ::: this is my trade mark. I use the smile where ever I go and firmly believe that one isn't fully dressed untill they have put on a smile.
    I am retired :D :D Or should I say I was till this spring when our one honey bee yard at home with 5 colonies grew to 21 colonies in 3 different yards.
    I have a gardening, beekeeper wife, a son and a daughter. Between the son and daughter I have a grand son and daughter from the daughter and a grandson from the son.
    Kare and I at the present time have 3800 square feet of perennial flower beds of which there a total of six. We have many flowering shrubs and other non flowering ones about the place too.
    I have many hobbies beside the honey bees, I collect old Massey Harris tractors, eat your hearts out guys MY KARE has four of her own. I also fish, hunt and love winter best of all since I snowmobile and cross country ski. As I sit here in our sweltering temps of the last few weeks I long for the 30F temps and a foot of new snow.
    I take lots of pictures too. that is one of the reasons I am here, to share our pictures.

    :D Al
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Hi Al and an 'official' welcome from me to our GardenStew forums as I've already answered some of your other posts. :D
    I really love to see your photographs so keep them coming, the more the merrier, as the saying goes. :D :D
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Great to have you here Al. It is great when somebody introduces a new theme into our forums which you have done with your tales of beekeeping :) Thanks for that!

    I am looking forward to all of your future photos if the photos that you have posted already are any indication ;) Especially looking forward to the Massey Harris photos.

    A BIG welcome from me and enjoy the forums as much as we all do :smt023
  5. alleyyooper

    alleyyooper Seedling

    Jul 18, 2005
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    :) Thank you both for the welcome. I must admit I am no fan of photo gallarys so unless told I must, I won't be placeing pictures there.
    I have many albums at sonys imagestation::: imagestation.com
    I started posting pictures there in 2002. at the bottom of the album there is a place for comments which to date there isn't even one comment on any of the pictures.

    I just want a place to post the pictures that people look at and comment on. This site I chose to join because of the ease of picture postig.
    Again thanks for the welcome.

    :D Al

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