Help please! - spots, wilting, yellow

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by lilypilly123, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. lilypilly123

    lilypilly123 New Seed

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Hi everyone, I'm having a few issues with some of my pot plants if anyone can help! Some are inside, some are outside. I'm in Australia btw so it's just becoming Summer.

    1. Some of my plants have yellow spots on them, they've appeared in the last couple weeks. I thought it might be a nutrient deficiency or pest (I've noticed lots of gnats) so I watered them earlier in the week with fertiliser, and have sprayed the leaves and soil with eco-neem hoping that that will help. They're still producing new growth. Any other suggestions if that doesn't do the trick / am I on the right track?
    yellow spots.jpg yellow spotss.jpg yellow spotsss.jpg

    2. Both of my monsteras have been yellowing. I don't think it's overwatering.. they're in pots with drainage and if anything I may be under watering them? I thought it might be a nutrient deficiency so I watered them with fertiliser earlier in the week. They've also been sprayed with eco-neem today for gnats as there's been plenty around.
    monstera yellowinggg.jpg monstera yellowingggg.jpg monstera yellowingg.jpg monstera yellowing.jpg

    3. My alocasia stingray is drooping and becoming discoloured on the leaves. The stem of one of the leaves doesn't look too happy either. I've only noticed it in the last week, I repotted it a few weeks ago (and fertilised it then, not since). Things that I've done over the 24 hours include using a humidifier rather than just rocks and water in a tray, sprayed with eco-neem for gnats as I have seen quite a few, I dug out a big of the soil as I may have buried the stingray too deep when repotting. I'm worried it's root rot but I don't think I've been over-watering it. I've only been doing it when the first few inches of soil are dry to touch. I can't see any new growth even though I was hoping it was just naturally losing it's lower leaves.
    sad stingray.jpg sad stingrayy.jpg sad stingrayyyy.jpg

    Thank you!!!
    *fertiliser = thrive all purpose fish & seaweed
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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Gnats are a very high indicator of root damage. their larvae feed on the roots. poor roots means its not able to take up moisture or nutrients. my first suggestion is to repot with sterile potting mix and water the plants in with a Bt product (mosquito dunks, have heard or seen those at the garden dept of a store? those would work) . Diatomecious earth sprinkled on the soil would be another great additive. it works by damaging the exoskeleton of the insects causing them to dehydrate and die. and of course don't overwater. a fan for air circulation might help. a heating pad under the plants to keep the root zone a little warmer might help too. trim off the yellowing leaves as they won't turn back to green. hope this helps.
    Sjoerd, lilypilly123 and Jewell like this.
  4. lilypilly123

    lilypilly123 New Seed

    Dec 2, 2020
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    @carolyn Very helpful, thank you so much!!
  5. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    I like the sound of @carolyn 's advice. I did not know that gnats were a sign of root damage.

    But lilypilly i am impressed with your observational skills! You clearly are keeping an eye on these plants. That's the best way to begin to figure out what might be wrong. And you have quite a collection of plants. Have you seen Jewell's collection yet? She is another member on this site.

    BTW any possibility that some of these plants are entering a semi dormant period? I am not familiar with the climate of Australia, or even where in Australia you are. Could some of the leaf yellowing just be time to shed an older leaf or two & rest?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    Sjoerd likes this.
  6. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Lovely array of plants :heart::) Carolyn’s expert advice, I would say, is spot on. I absolutely love your alocasia stingray. From what I’ve read they don’t like misting but do like humidity. You have provided that perfectly. They also aren’t fond of drafts.

    The only thing I do differently is I have stopped putting plants directly into my decorative pots but keep them in clay or growers pots and drop that into the ceramic container. Easier for me to determine whether the watering is appropriate, easier to remove for repotting and my decorative pots tended to hold moisture at the bottom of the pot even with drainage holes. With the added air flow my plants seem happier.

    Am sure your babies will be better soon. Just be patient and let them rest and recover. :stew1:
    Cayuga Morning likes this.

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