I live in North Texas and I need help on how to revive this crape myrtle and why it started to die. Can it be saved?
There is no picture. But, without seeing it first....go check it for spider mites. That is the first thing to always check for on stressed or dying plants. they are horrible and will kill a plant very gradually.
Yep a photo of the whole tree and a close up of some leaves would help. How old is the tree? If newly planted it could be too much water or not enough water. They are native and when established will live 40+ years on only what Mother Nature provides for them but until they are established they need regular deep watering to encourage the roots to grow deep and not stay close to the ground surface. Insecticidal soap or horticultural oil, sprayed on the pests and over the plant, kills the spider mites, thrips and aphids on contact. They can be used through the growing season to keep them from returning. Crepe Myrtles also can be hit by Sooty Mold, the leaves look like they have been sprayed with asphalt. The mold is caused by sucking insects so when you use the insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to kill the bugs the Sooty Mold will clear up. If you had a cool, wetter Spring than normal it could be Powdery Mildew. If the leaves look like they have white powder on them then the horticultural oil and Neem oil will take care of it. You might have to spray more than once. Cercospora leaf spot is a fungus that occurs when there isn't sufficient air circulation through the trees to keep them dry...they stay wet and the fungus forms. In mid to late summer brown spots start appearing on older leave, they turn fall colors then drop off way before fall. If that's it then thinning out the branches would help and check with a local nursery for a commercial spray to treat it when the spots first begin appearing.
Here's the link to picture http://www.gardenstew.com/plantstew/gar ... r_id=19676 I just bought it Thursday, June 26, 2014 and hadn't planted it yet because I had to dig up the other dead trees. It was pretty one day then like that the next. I plan on planting it today. Not sure why it just dies all of the sudden. I also think it is filled with ants. Photo added by moderator
The ants very well may have been the problem. Did you save the receipt? I'd take it straight back to the store and demand a refund or replacement. I really don't think there's much you can do to save it at this point.
Thank you, I went by the store and they said I could return it within 30 days if it didn't survive. I am like why plant it. So, I am taking it back today for a new one. No sense to plant and dig up.
When you get the new one home, take it out of the pot and check for ants. You can wash the dirt off the roots if there are ants and re-pot it in clean dirt until you can get it in the ground.
You can also pull the plant out of the pot at the store to check for ants that will save you some work at home. If the ants are nesting they might not be active to the point of showing up on the surface.
Yea, I knew that but they have become very well adapted to our heat and drought that I keep forgetting that.
I have six of them that I bought at a yard sale a couple of years ago. All six in a bucket for 50 cents. I planted them in a row across the back yard. Each one is now taller than five feet and one is almost a tree. They have purple and pink flowers and are putting on new growth as I write this. I water them when I water everything else but it's not too often. dooley
This is one of the new trees I got. What are your thoughts on it's survival? ( photo / image / picture from Kristylea's Garden )